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At the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant (IAZ), the first batch of large parts of the fuselage elements of the prospective MS-21 passenger aircraft for the first flight samples is manufactured.
According to the statement of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, in the past year, all regulatory technological documentation was transferred to the plants participating in the project to create the MS-21 aircraft. According to the minister, the main result of 2013 will be the completion of the development of working design documentation. According to information provided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the first flight of the MS-21-200 aircraft is planned for June 2015, and its certification is expected to be completed in 2017.
One of the key problems today is the creation of « black wing » for MS-21 – wing of large elongation from composite materials (CM). When implementing the project for the development of « black wing », it is necessary to finally work out the production technology, conduct full-scale strength and resource tests of the wing from the CM, form the principles of certification of an airplane with such a wing and conduct the certification itself.
During 2013, work is underway at the CAGI on the resource tests of the third copy of the prototype cesson wing MS-21, made in Austria from KM. According to the CAGI press service, the whole range of design and experimental studies is aimed at ensuring safety according to the conditions of strength, aero-influence and the resource of the aircraft.
November 1 at the forum « Open Innovation », which took place in the capital « Crocus Expo » from October 31 to November 2, the general director of CJSC « AeroComposite » Anatoly Gaidansky made a presentation. During the speech, A. Gaidansky said that the subsidiary structure of the United Aircraft Building Corporation (UAC) of CJSC « AeroComposite » is « the first national center of competence in the field of innovative developments in Russia, production and sale of power composite structures for the aviation industry. By the end of this year, the opening of the unique plant CJSC « AeroComposite » will take place in Ulyanovsk, which will become the largest composite production of the domestic aviation industry. The area of the plant is almost 90 thousand square meters. meters.Here the production of the main composite structures for the Kesson wing of the prospective passenger aircraft MS-21 (integral panels, loungerons, centroplan designs) using the infusion technology » will begin. Anatoly Gaidansky also noted that so far no one in the world has applied this technology to the production of cessons of the wing of main liners. He said that the first, fully finished wing with all the elements of mechanization, which will be installed on MS-21, will be produced by the end of next year.which will be installed at MS-21, will be produced by the end of next year.which will be installed at MS-21, will be produced by the end of next year.